In Lvov began preparation works at the Euro-2012 stadium construction site in Striyskaya-Koltsevaya street.
By the end of September the Austrian Alpine company will equip building site, install temporary electrification and water supply. It’ll also take off the fertile soil layer.
In keeping with works schedule the builders will prepare pits for base filling.
As says Oleg Zasadnuy, the director of Euro-2012 department of Lvov municipal council at present all the questions on works financing are removed: Lvov municipal council stood surety for sponsoring the whole project construction.
“This year 80 mln hryvnjas are provided for stadium from the budget. The biggest scope of works will be carried out in 2009. The Austrian have prepared the project very efficiently and they’ve done it at their quality level. If we keep up with this pace in future we’ll have no problems in abiding to terms set by the UEFA” – noted Mr. Zasadnuy.
The stadium project for 33 thousand seats, designed by Albert Wimmer’s Austrian Design Office has already been agreed by Ukrgosekspertiza and other licensing agencies. The stadium’s handing-over is planned on July 2010.