It left only 1800 days to the greatest event in the history of Poland. Although decision concerning organization of the European Football Championships in Poland and Ukraine was taken four months ago, the Government still hasn’t taken a list of investment which have to be carried out till the opening of Euro 2012, and also hasn’t prepared package of legal-organization changes which introduction in life is essential for Poland so as not to bring shame in the European arena…
Euro 2012 is not only a chance for historic sports success(Poles so far haven’t played in the European Football Championship finals) but also a chance for the promotion of the country as well as a chance for binging forward the realization of some cultural backwardness. After four months since granting the right to organize football championships it seems, that for the government institutions this decision was like a bolt out of the blue. Although nearly the next day after announcing the name of countries – finals host government and parliamentary policymakers announced bringing forward the realization of strategic investments, and no binding decisions has been taken till the middle of August. – There is no doubt that organization of Euro 2012 will initiate many positive processes which results can be perceptible for a long time. The motion, improvement in the realization of projects, simplifications of some procedures connected with realization of great investments are things which we need- says Wladyslaw Ortyl, deputy minister of regional development.The most important investments which are essential to organize Euro 2012 are: stadiums in Poznan, Wroclaw, Gdansk and Warsaw as well as motorways and dual carriageways linking these four cities (and staying in reserve Chorzow and Cracow) and also leading toward co-host of championships- Ukraine. We cannot count on subsidies from european funds on sports facilities (but ones from domestic budget) but we can count on subsidies on investments from regional operational programmes. These investments include: cities ring roads, expansions of airports, railway or tram lines which link stadiums, airports and city centres. The worst situation is in the capital where it is impossible to put the National Stadium into use on time.
The Ministry of Transport- due to organization of Euro 2012- prepared preliminary correction of road
investments planned for the years 2007-13, so it prepared current financial perspective of the European Union. According to the ministry of transport Jerzy Polaczek this is “ the first such complete programme of building polish road infrastructure, which has precisely counted costs taking into account additional tasks connected with Euro 2012”, – we need additional 22,5 bn zlotys. It assumes bringing forward constructions of some motorways stretches (A1, A2, and A4) and dual carriageways (S3 Legnica-Lubawka, S7 Gdansk-Rabka, S8 Warsaw-Wroclaw) which are funded from the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment. Unexpectedly among priorities there wasn’t the whole stretch S5 from Nakla to Wroclaw. As one wrote in the ministerial document, the stretch Poznan-Wroclaw, so connecting two cities- hosts of championships is going to be realized only “as there will be access to funds”.
Polish State Railways also adjusted the plans. Till 2012 so one year earlier that it was planned railway lines connecting cities-host of Euro 2012 are supposed to be modernized. A ride from Warsaw to Gdynia is supposed to last only a bit over 2 hours, so it is the same time as from Warsaw to Poznan, and as for a ride from Wroclaw to Poznan- it is supposed to take an hour.
So these undertakings are going to be funded together with PO “ Infrastructure and Environment”. A change of investments priorities is not enough to realize undertakings connected with Euro 2012 in efficient way and on time. Cities self-governments – organizers claim that one has to change over 25 acts and orders. Among them are: regulations concerning public funds and incomes of self-governments, competitive tendering, public-private partnership and also special development, special act which will improve and simplify preparing and realizations of investments.
Meanwhile the Ministry of Regional Development, the department which is responsible for the absorption of union resources claims that when it comes to big money which Poland is going to spend on cohesion policy in years 2007-13, the hurry is a poor adviser. The department expects that the final list of crucial investments connected with Euro 2012 is supposed to be ready till the end of August, after finishing work by a special team- an organizing committee, which consists of 6 thematic groups (from the ministry of health, transportation, economy, internal affairs and administration, and sports) and representatives of cities-hosts of matches, regional governments as well as GDDKiA and PKP PLK. The content of national, operational programmes was negotiated with the European Committee and after approving by the Government it will be send to Brussels to accept it. The department of regional development explained that the fact of granting Poland and Ukraine Euro 2012 didn’t affect the content of operational programmes because union funds were granted in order to bring forward economic development and not organization of concrete events. Changes on lists of crucial investments will concern bringing forward of some undertakings, which ending was planned for 2015.
Political confusion around the Government and forces which govern country makes that problems which concern supporting of power and defeating party opponents, as well as reelection in the nearest – maybe earliest election are more familiar to policymakers than distant Euro 2012. Although 5 years left to championships, for the realization of strategic investments for example: building of dual carriageway or modernization of railway line (from working out of documentation through repurchases and executive phase)it is short period which is insufficient. What surprises is that the Government feels well and promises that the most important investments will be finished till the Euro 2012. We have to remember that Poland is expecting a cash injection comparing with the Marshall Plan for countries of Eastern Europe after World War II. A challenge which is co-organization of Euro 2012- came in right moment- deputy minister Wladyslaw Ortyl does not lose optimism. In case of trouble – as assures ministry of sports Elzbieta Jakubiak- Poland will put forward a proposal to UEFA which concerns postponing of date of completion stadiums for one year. Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski announced that he will not let the cartel disturb the organization of Euro 2012.