Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk declared a donation from the national budget – the one-third of the whole building cost – for those cities that organize football Euro Championship. Confederation of Polish Employers claims that it is a good step in a good direction.
The present-day press conference of the Prime Minister showed that all the preparation to the EURO 2012 are conducted on schedule. However, UEFA has recently criticized our previous achievements and rebuked an organizational chaos with too much politics’ influence on championship’s preparation – claim CPE representatives.
On many occasions, Confederation Polish Employers showed the borders that had hindered proper arrangements of EURO 2012 and presented posibilities of their solution. CPE also indicated that the wrong building code will just elongate the completion date of the whole investment (sometimes their formal arrangement occupies a half of the whole investment’s time).
essential as the expropriation proceeding can last even several months. What is more, further reference and complaining to the
character. Disadvantages of the act and reluctant position of authorities are the reason of such delays.