The European Football Union (UEFA) stopped debating about the possible changes in the organization of the European Football Championships in 2012 – claimed Gerhard Mayer-Vorfeldr, the vice-president of UEFA in Germany, on Tuesday in Copenhagen.
The construction works are being carefully observed.. The works in Poland are slightly more advanced than in Ukraine but the construction of the stadium in both countries is carried out in accordance with the plan .There was nothing said about dismissing of the organizer – said Mayer-Volfelder to the German SID agency
The Vice President of UEFA left a comment after the end of UEFA Executive Committee session which gathered for the last time in the old make-up on Wednesday In the capital of Denmark the delegate for the 33 regular UEFA congress will elect the new Executive Committee, 9 members of which in May in Bucharest will select the host-cities of Euro 2012 Championships
On Tuesday UEFA confirmed that 4 candidacies applied for the organization of Euro 2016 Championships. France , Italy and Turkey want to organize the championships separately. Norway and Sweden together.