According to the majority of the Internet users who took part in an opinion poll found on the website of the partnership coordinating the preparations for Euro 2012 Championships the stadium in Gdańsk will be the best-looking among all the arenas prepared for Euro 2012 Championships.
The ‘Baltic Arena’ (a draft name for the stadium in Gdańsk) will have an unique, amber-like elevation. The project of the stadium in Gdańsk from over 3000 thousand got 134 thousand of votes (44 %) leasing behind the project of the National Stadium in Warsaw – 115 thousand of votes (37 %)and the Public Stadium in Wrocław -34 thousand of votes (11%)
Apart from the best looking project, the stadium in Gdańsk can be proud of signing the contract for building the stadium in the quickest time, among the cities which start the construction from scratch. On the 10th of April the authorities of Gdańsk finalized the agreement with the consortium consisting of Hydrobudowa Poland SC Hydrobudowa 9, Alpine Bau Deutschland AG Berlin, Alpine Bau GmbH Austria, Alpine Construction Poland PLC plans with the amount of 522 million PLN to build the stadium near the Bay of Gdańsk. Simultaneously, the cost of building the facility will be lower by 140 millions of zlotys than planned.
From the first days of the current year on the area where the amber building will be raised, works concerning the rebuilding of the ground are being carried out. The range of the works the builders had to deal with was huge. Change of the ground on the area of 9 hectares in some places reaches 9 meters under the grounds surface which mean the necessity of removing nearly a million cubic meters of peat coal. Simultaneously , a deep subsidence is routinely replaced by the carrier ground. After finishing the ground works, the general contractor who declared to finish the works by December 2010 will enter the building site.
Till the end of the works at the stadium and playing the first match planned in 2011 there is still much to be done, but the ‘Bieg 2012’ partnership which controls the construction works of ‘Baltic Arena’ already commercializes the facility searching for a company and institutions which in the future will rent the area of the stadium.
This is the end of second part of stadiums reoprt. The next part of report will come soon…