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Read more about "Poland"

The soccer player of the representation of Euzebiusz Smolarek Poland is preparing himself for the Euro 2012 Championships. In the meantime how is writing the log “Poland” began exactly an activity as the Ebi Hospitality company who is supposed to construct hotels on the Euro in Łódź 2012. Success is supposed to assure the known surname of the soccer player and trying the French Philippe Campegno president out, the long-term manager of the Łódź Ibis of the enterprise and of Katowice Novotel. Associates aren’t giving details away to the investment […]

On Mokotowski Field, castle meadow and the town hall wants to locate Argyrols supporters’ zones on the Euro 2012. After the visit on this year’s games in Austria towns are admitting, that no all from enumerated places suitable good for fans of the football. They were debating about the organization of championships of Europe in the provincial office in the football yesterday. Being responsible for the Euro 2012 they were sharing their observations from the observation of championships lasting still of Europe in Austria. – was staying in very Vienna […]

Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko of Ukraine has participated in a meeting of the Polish-Ukrainian Committee for the organisation of the EURO 2012. While in Warsaw she also held talks with Prime Minister Donald Tusk on the preparations to the championships. Both premiers assured that stadiums in Warsaw and Kiev will be built on time and added that both countries will intensify cooperation in the preparation to the championships. Danuta Isler reports It was in April 2007 that Ukraine and Poland were named co-hosts for the prestigous tournament. Since then little […]

According to preparing Herry Marcin, the president of the PL.2012 company supervising in Poland to football championships of Europe in 2012 confirmed the year, UEFA to Friday, that was worked by five last months well. Herra was participating in Vienna on Friday in the sitting of the steering Committee i.e. the organ of Euro-2012 appointed by UEFA to the analysis and supervision of the state of preparations for the organization of Poland and Ukraine. With returning him, causes for optimism are. “UEFA confirmed to Friday that we utilized the time […]

UEFA Michel boss Platini told in intelligences for the log “La Stampa” and “Gazzetta dello Sport”, that final concerning decision of the organization of the Euro 2012 trapdoors on the autumn. It is the next voice already in the referring discussion full of conjectures of taking away of this event from Poland and Ukraine What truth Platini asked about whether it is current still, that championships in 2012 Poland and Ukraine will be organizing the year, replied that nothing changed. But began after a while to devise visions of autumn […]

WARSAW – UEFA gave a thumbs up Wednesday to Poland’s Euro 2012 preparations despite jitters about the ability of the Poles and their Ukrainian co-hosts to get ready for the football showcase. “UEFA have given a positive assessment of recent months of preparations for Euro 2012 in Poland,” said a statement published by Warsaw’s sports ministry in the wake of crunch talks between Poland’s leaders and the president of European football’s governing body, Michel Platini. “They consider that plans are being handled in a professional way, following the best possible […]

In 2012 the football European championships eventually will take place in Italy and France – on Tuesday on its pages a daily newspaper is writing hair “Il Giornale”. According to the Italian newspaper soon the boss Michel Platini will go by the UEFA to Ukraine and officially he will accept after the visit of inspection, that “an organization is impossible Euro” in this country and in Poland.

Controversial British judge Graham Poll thinks, that with one’s attitude on Euro 2008 Howard Webb proved that he was the best English arbiter and on the next Euro he can take even some of three most important meetings. However Euro 2012 will take place in Poland and in the Ukraine, and taking into consideration the real hostility Polish fans treat Webb with which, they could treat it as the malice on the part of the UEFA what isn’t a good idea for calm carrying out championships. Howard Webb wasn’t appointed […]

UEFA officials on Saturday brushed off the latest speculation about Euro 2012, denying that Spain had been approached as a possible replacement host if infrastructure problems persisted with Poland and Ukraine. The co-hosts face huge challenges in upgrading road and rail links, along with modernising airports and building hotels. Concerns have grown in particular over delays in the reconstruction of Kiev’s Olympic stadium. In January, UEFA president Michel Platini said the next few months would be “crucial in order to avoid any critical slippage in sports and public infrastructure projects […]

On the terrain of Warsaw’s decade stadium symbolical Hammered first stilt under construction of National Stadium. This Object will be one of places of Euro 2012 tournament In celebrity attends sports minister – Miroslaw Drzewiecki. Boss of department of state underlined that all of actual preparations are compliant with timelines and guidelines of UEFA. He said that strained schedule of investments , make big mobilizations of accomplishers.