National Stadium has already become a part of the landscape of Warsaw. Tourists at the Castle Square (Plac Zamkowy) are taking photos with the Stadium almost as often as with the column of King Sigismund. Construction of the Stadium ends on November 29. That day the general contractor, a consortium of companies under the command of Hydrobudowa, will finish works and the operator of the stadium, the National Sports Centre, will formally became its user. The user will be like a client of a developer who bought a house in […]
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Heavy snow falls in Trójmiasto have not stopped construction works of PGE Arena Gdańsk. “We do not have delays. Almost all the works are going according to our plan” – assured Michael Fijalkowski, spokesman of the European Investment Office Gdańsk 2012. In accordance with the schedule of works we systematically remove supports supporting steel structure and polycarbonate plates on the stadium covering and cables are being installed. Finishing works are carried out on the western grandstand, this is the VIP area, Fijałkowski said to PAP. Was suspended only the works […]

A group of twenty UEFA experts visited on Thursday the construction site of the stadium in Wroclaw for Euro 2012. They were mainly interested in the issue of handling business guests of UEFA and the media. Experts have suggested that during the tournament in the eastern grandstand of the facility there should be an additional area for business partners of the soccer federation – informed Magdalena Malara, Wroclaw 2010 Company’s spokeswoman. The representatives of UEFA also checked how the stadium will be prepared for the media, including places of broadcasting […]

The new contractor, Max Boegl company has taken over officially and formally the construction site in Wroclaw stadium. According to the contract regulations, the substitute investor, Wrocław 2012 company has formally handed over the construction site to a new contractor – Max Boegl company. The note of construction site handover for Max Boegl company was signed by Astrid Wardemann, the contract’s director. The company undertook to begin preparations to further building works, which was start at the beginning of March, immediately after the takeover. Up to that time the new […]

Engineers of the technical office of the contractor of the national stadium construction have changed the system of constructing ten of the twelve staircases in order to speed up part of the construction works – announced on Sunday the construction manager on behalf of the contractor of the consortium Alpine Construction Poland, Marcin Zareba. – From Saturday, one of 12 staircases is built at a speed of 2 cm per hour – Zareba said. – We decided to construct staircases in the sliding system, rather than, as originally planned, in […]

The ground for construction of the Public stadium in Wrocław was the first one to be prepared among all of the stadium for Euro 2012. After seemingly difficult tasks which included removing several thousands of terraces , dehydration of the ground and replacement of the grounds, the authorities of Wrocław had to face much more harder task. The complexity of the bidding procedure and intrigues of the competing for this prestigious investment resulted in the fact that the Cort will have to select the company who will build the facility […]

Last week UEFA, the governing soccer body in Europe, finally announced the four Polish cities that will host Euro 2012 championship games. Of the six candidate cities named two years ago, Warsaw, Poznań, Wrocław and Gdańsk were chosen. That left authorities and residents in Kraków and Chorzów, which were selected as alternate cities when Poland originally placed its bid for Euro 2012, extremely disappointed. The rebuilt of the Public Stadium in Cracow is slightly different from the rest of the facilities prepared for Euro 2012. The rebuilt of the stadium […]

According to the majority of the Internet users who took part in an opinion poll found on the website of the partnership coordinating the preparations for Euro 2012 Championships the stadium in Gdańsk will be the best-looking among all the arenas prepared for Euro 2012 Championships. The ‘Baltic Arena’ (a draft name for the stadium in Gdańsk) will have an unique, amber-like elevation. The project of the stadium in Gdańsk from over 3000 thousand got 134 thousand of votes (44 %) leasing behind the project of the National Stadium in […]

“Poland and Ukraine”. With these words said two years ago, Michel Platini, the head of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Executive Committee announced the host of football finals of European Championship in 2012. What is the state of stadiums’ preparation? You will find the answer in following report. With every month bringing us closer to the Euro 2012 Championships, which will take place on the Polish and Ukrainian football fields the number of skeptics and malcontents (as media often refer to as euro-sceptics) is decreasing. The assurance of […]

Mr Piotr Chełkowski, the chairman of the partnership management, carrying out the construction works, presented graphically the initial stage of the National Stadium construction in Warsaw for the European Football Championships in 2012: 330 000 cubic meters of ground and 6500 square meters of crushed concrete was removed. 32 000 square meters of diaphragm walls was made, 16 00 piles with the total length up to 170 km was stuck. – The winter period was certainly not favorable for any kind of constructional work., and probably this was the most […]