Security preparations for Euro 2012 football championship, co-hosted by Poland and Ukraine, are progressing according to the schedule, Polish deputy Interior Minister Michal Deskur said on Thursday. Deskur recalled that the Interior Ministry and its services have been preparing for the tournament for several years. ” Complete readiness should be confirmed in mid-May, about three weeks before the first match,” he added. Three organisational areas are of key significance to the tournament: security, transport and servicing the guests, the deputy minister explained. Referring to his cooperation with Ukrainian authorities he […]
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In the group of the most important infrastructure projects 80% of key investments is implemented in accordance with the plan and at low level of risk, while in case of important investments the ratio is 65%. – according to the annual report of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism. A comprehensive report on the Ministry of Sport and Tourism from the implementation of the investments of Euro 2012 in the period from March 2010 to February 2011 was accepted by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the Sejm. The […]

Despite ongoing stadium and infrastructure delays, UEFA president Michel Platini says he believes Poland and Ukraine will deliver on their promises to stage a successful Euro 2012 tournament. The Frenchman told delegates at the UEFA Congress in Paris this week that organising the championships had been a tough challenge since the two east European nations were awarded the competition in April 2007. “Poland and Ukraine has not been easy,” he said in something of an understatement. “With Ukraine we have had some problems but our obligation is to help them […]

The Ukrainian war between the president, prime minister and parliament and Euro 2012 in the background is gaining in strength. Viktor Yushchenko has once again refused to sign the law on the preparations for the tournament, and thus he blocked the payment of the money. Local authorities throw down their arms and state that without government support there will not be a cup-final in Kiev. The Government of Ukraine, which bears the results of the economic crisis is seeking money wherever to save the Euro 2012. There are not so […]

President Michel Platini will visit on April 15-16 Poland and Ukraine to meet officials organizing the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship, he said at a press conference on Wednesday at the end of the XXXIII Ordinary UEFA Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. As referred to the preparations for the championship, he noted that ‘the situation at the organizational level is not easy for Poland and Ukraine, and it’s not easy for UEFA either. Poland and the Ukraine were a surprise choice to host the tournament and have since been dogged by […]

Global financial crisis may make the job of preparing for the Euro 2012 football championship easier for Poland as demand for unrelated construction eases and prices drop, a senior official said on Friday. Marcin Herra, who heads the PL.2012 agency preparing for the event, told Reuters in an interview, the global slowdown in investment increased developers’ interest in key infrastructure projects, while falling prices of building materials should make the final price-tag lower. Infrastructure work is a major challenge for Poland and co-host Ukraine, which have to build not only […]

The Mayor of Lvov Andrey Sadovyi expressed his happiness this Wednesday with the preparations his city has been making towards Euro 2012. He informed that the preparatory works before the construction of the stadium started a few days before and that a company to modernize the city airport would be hired in the next few days. Sadovyi’s critics, on the contrary, claim that the situation with the stadium has not been properly dealt with. The problem concerns especially the financial side of the construction and the conflicts about the ownership […]

Not Warsaw, Poznan, Gdansk, Chorzów or Wroclaw but Cracow has turned out the best in the newest report of UEFA committee that estimates the preparations of Poland for Euro 2012. Barbra Janik, the manager of Cracovian office of Euro matters assures that Cracow left behind the remaining five cities. However, the distance is increasing. The journal “Polska” got fragments from the newest report of UEFA. Cracow can be praised, because despite several restrictions from Platini experts, the city was showed as the example to be followed. UEFA, when estimating the […]

Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko of Ukraine has participated in a meeting of the Polish-Ukrainian Committee for the organisation of the EURO 2012. While in Warsaw she also held talks with Prime Minister Donald Tusk on the preparations to the championships. Both premiers assured that stadiums in Warsaw and Kiev will be built on time and added that both countries will intensify cooperation in the preparation to the championships. Danuta Isler reports It was in April 2007 that Ukraine and Poland were named co-hosts for the prestigous tournament. Since then little […]

Poland is ready to help Ukraine, if the one won’t be in time with preparations for final championships of the football European championships in 2012 – on Thursday an Ukrainian newspaper wrote in “Siegodnia”, citing the statement of the Polish minister of sport, Mirosław Drzewiecki. – Theoretically everything is possible, although today it is (defeat of Ukrainian preparations for ME 2012 – PAP) unlikely, improbable. But if something happens, we are ready to think about different plans – a, quoted by the daily newspaper, being responsibility of the richest Ukrainian, […]