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Read more about "preparations euro 2012"

In the next week will be presented a report on the centres of residence for the teams involved in European football championship in 2012 poland – announced the president overseeing the preparation of the company PL.2012 Marcin Herra. Team composed of representatives of the Polish Football Association, the Ministry of Sport and Tourism and PL.2012 made a very precise evaluation of 110 centres residence located throughout the country. For six weeks have been visited and checked every place, and then bear the additional documentation photo that was seen progress in […]

According to preparing Herry Marcin, the president of the PL.2012 company supervising in Poland to football championships of Europe in 2012 confirmed the year, UEFA to Friday, that was worked by five last months well. Herra was participating in Vienna on Friday in the sitting of the steering Committee i.e. the organ of Euro-2012 appointed by UEFA to the analysis and supervision of the state of preparations for the organization of Poland and Ukraine. With returning him, causes for optimism are. “UEFA confirmed to Friday that we utilized the time […]

On the terrain of Warsaw’s decade stadium symbolical Hammered first stilt under construction of National Stadium. This Object will be one of places of Euro 2012 tournament In celebrity attends sports minister – Miroslaw Drzewiecki. Boss of department of state underlined that all of actual preparations are compliant with timelines and guidelines of UEFA. He said that strained schedule of investments , make big mobilizations of accomplishers.

KIEV, May 30 (Reuters) – President Viktor Yushchenko accused government officials on Friday of sabotaging the reconstruction of the main stadium hosting Euro 2012 matches and told his prime minister to ensure the project went ahead. Yushchenko, in a letter to Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, said no action had been taken to proceed with the renovation of Kiev’s 84,000-seat Olympic stadium since a Taiwanese firm won a tender in April to carry out the job. The stadium is to host the final of Euro 2012, being staged jointly with Poland. […]

The president of UEFA, Michel Platini appealed to organizers of the football European championships in 2012, Poles and Ukrainians, in order to “wake them up” in the realization of the program of preparations for this event. Euro 2012 found the good place, but some people say that more brisk movements are needed from the side of both countries – on the webpage pointing to the opinion of Platini was written. The UEFA in 30th of the January presented the critical report on preparations of organizers of championships, underlining, that “the […]

None of cities in Poland is as good prepared to the European football championships as Wroclaw, so you don’t have to afraid yellow card from UEFA – says Jan Tomaszewski, famous goalkeeper of Polish squad and sports activist. Today a five-person team of experts from the European Football Federation will be judging preparations of city to Euro 2012. Experts who their experiences gained during many football events are going to be divided into three teams to examine building plans of stadium, roads in Wroclaw, communications, airport and hotels. They will […]

The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) experts first visit has begun on Monday in Warsaw, regarding the arrangement of championship of Europe in 2012. “UEFA divided the whole complex of preparations into eight classes. The current visit relates to land transport, air transport and accomodation” – informed the chairman of  PZPN unit for Euro 2012 Adam Olkowicz.

Warsaw The National Stadium in Warsaw which has a capacity of 60 thousand seats will be built in the place where at present is the 10th Anniversary Stadium, or next to Washington roundabout in Prague-South. According to current conception the National Stadium is expected to be the main element of a sports-recreational centre (“the National Sport Centre”) which will including among others: a pool with Olympic parameters, a sports-auditorium hall on 15 thousand seats, as well as commercial part (shop centres, gastronomic centres). The Central Sports Centre in Warsaw is […]

Does UEFA take away the opening match Euro 2012 from Poland? It may be possible. According to experts building a National Stadium in Warsaw even till the middle of 2011  is now practically impossible. And this is the only place in Poland where the European Championships could start.  Forecasts concerning our preparations to Euro 2012 look more and more gloomy. According to experts Warsaw will not be ready with a building of the National Stadium for 55 thousand spectators where the European Championships are planned to be inaugurated. It is […]

Poland and Ukraine have been chosen to host the 2012 European Championships. Euro 2012 is a great transportation challenge for the host countries. Poland and the Ukraine must ensure that spectators are able to transfer freely between the cities where games will take place, as well as around these cities. These preparations are supervised by coordinators of transportation and airports. Their task it to make sure the construction and adaptation of roads, highways, train stations and railroads, together with airports – from planning to the moment of obtaining operating permits. […]