On 18 August 2011, at the invitation of the Polish Parliament’s National and Ethnic Minorities Committee, the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association presented its activities against racism and xenophobia in football stadiums in the lead up to EURO 2012. – ‘Polish football is often quite multi-cultural, which is emblematic of broader demographic changes across Europe, but the situation in many stadiums still gives reasons for concern’ – said Dr Rafal Pankowski, the coordinator of the East Europe Monitoring Centre set up by ‘NEVER AGAIN’ in cooperation with the FARE Network and UEFA. […]
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On Friday, August 5, 2011, the Poland Senate voted against amendments to the Law on security at public events, which permits sale of low alcohol drinks at football matches, including matches during Euro 2012. Last week, the amendment was admitted by the Polish parliament. The Senate rejected the sales of “light” beer in the arenas of Euro 2012. Senator of political block “Law and Justice” Peter Kaleta turned to the audience on the eve of the vote with a question: if today will be allowed to sell alcohol in the stadiums, […]

David Taylor, the UEFA chief executive, assessed the progress of works of Ukraine for Euro 2012 in 80%. Taylor said on Wednesday in Kiev: “The main problem? In view of the fact that I represents the football side, it is important for me to finish the construction of the stadiums in Kiev and Lviv”. As Taylor pointed out the another issues are airports of the host cities and infrastructure. Ukraine has already prepared two stadiums – in Kharkiv and Donetsk. The Stadium in Kiev is now being modernized and in […]

Before the start of the European Championship to be held next summer in Ukraine and Poland, the Ukrainian national team will play a friendly match against Estonia. The game is scheduled for June 5 and will be held in Austria or Germany, according to 2012ua.net. Thus, the schedule of test match team Oleg Blokhin is now fully known until the beginning of the final tournament of Euro 2012. This year, the Ukrainians will play: in Kharkov, with Sweden (August 10) and Uruguay (September 2) in Sofia and Bulgaria (October 7) […]
According to the Euro 2012 Director Martin Cullen, Ukraine has undergone significant changes during preparations for the European Football Championship. UEFA official has expressed the view that the Euro modernizes the country. Asked about what has changed, Martin Cullen said: “Of course, there are many variations. Look at the roads that are radically changing, especially in hosting cities. EURO 2012 mobilizes each city and induces the emergence of new airports. If you go to other cities in Ukraine – there is real difference in favor of the four host cities. […]
In mid 2007, Poland was abuzz after receiving co-hosting rights with Ukraine for the Euro 2012 football championship. A year from the event, the country is biting its nails with key infrastructure yet to be completed. As May came to an end, a storm drew over the Polish capital, Warsaw, and it became evident that the roof at its brand new national football stadium – built ahead of the 2012 European Championship – was not entirely waterproof. Shortly beforehand, it had become known that the staircases at the stadium were […]
Problems with the completion of some investments before the European football championships in 2012 in Poland and Ukraine do not pose any threat to the tournament – assured Tomasz Zahorski, a representative of the Pl.2012 company on Tuesday in Berlin. Generally, a year before the event the Polish situation is really good. The tournament will be held for sure, and it will be of very good quality – said Zahorski at a press conference in the capital of Germany. Some German media warned on Tuesday that preparations of Poland for […]
Martin Kallen, an operating executive, visiting Lviv a year before the Euro 2012 assessed the level of preparations of Poland for the tournament at the level of 80%, and Ukraine – a slightly lower. Generally, I am hopeful – he said. According to Kallen, “80%” for Poland concerns both the state of preparations of stadiums, as well as airports and highways. When it comes to Ukraine: stadiums consists in 70-80% and airports – 60%. However, as far as highways are concerned, it will take take 30-40 years. In Ukraine there […]
The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association will this week host a conference to launch the Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE) programme to challenge extremism and racism at next year’s UEFA European Championships in Poland and Ukraine. An audience of Polish government ministers, European activists, former players and representatives of governing bodies of football will attend the Polish Parliament and the Polish Foreign Ministry Palace for an expert seminar on Tuesday and Wednesday. The seminar will set out the issues facing the host countries of the Euro 2012. The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association, […]
Despite the difficulties, the stadium ready on time. Opening is planned in October. On 10 September Polish top boxing star Tomasz Adamek will have an unequaled chance to defeat the current WBC World Heavyweight Champion Vitali Klitschko and win for his country the most coveted championship. On 17 September, George Michael will perform at the Wrocław Stadium. This will be one of the big events honouring the opening of the Arena in Wrocław. fot. Marek Przybyło