Ukraine Stadium in Lvov is a new object which will be built specially for Euro 2012. At present design works are in the final phase, and according to plan its building is expected to be finished in 2009.
This modern stadium is expected to be the main element of a large shopping-show centre. A capacity of stand is estimated at over 30 thousand seats.
During the European Football Championships in the stadium in Lvov- according to official offer of Poland and Ukraine- some group matches are expected to be played.

Olympic Stadium in Kiev was built in the 1920s. The last major modernization was finished in 1999, for the European Football Championships another conversion of stadium is planned. A capacity of stand is estimated at about 80 thousand seats. The stadium should gain the final shape around 2010.
During Euro 2012 in the stadium in Kiev some group matches, one quarter-final and the final are expected to be played. However, there is still the possibility of changing with Warsaw ( in the capital of Ukraine could take place the opening match, and in Warsaw the football world championships)

Stadium in Donieck– Ukraine’s industrial centre, it’s a new object which will be built in the place where was the old one and also where Ukrainian football club called Szachtar Donieck played its matches. Works on the realization of project are in progress, and building according to plan is expected to be finished in 2009.
Stadium Szachtar is expected to hold in the stand over 50 thousand people. During the European Football Championships- according to official offer of Poland and Ukraine- some group matches, one quarter-final and one final are expected to be played in Donieck.
