The number of hotels and hostels in Poland is limited, so fans, during the Euro 2012, will live, among others, at student hostels and private houses. It’s not the end of options. A very interesting offer for football fans is prepared by one of the global sponsors of the tournament – Carlsberg, which will open a modern camps. We heard about plans for creation of such sites in October from Rafał Rosiejak, the national coordinator for the accommodation from the PL 2012 company. “I have to say something about the […]
Tag Archives: Kraków

During meeting today in Bucharest, the UEFA Executive Committee examined and discussed the state of infrastructure preparations for the final tournament of the 2012 UEFA European Championship due to be held in Poland and Ukraine from 9 June until 1 July 2012. After careful consideration of the evaluation reports prepared by the UEFA administration and consultation with the host associations, the UEFA Executive Committee took the following decisions concerning the selection of host cities for UEFA EURO 2012™: Host cities in Poland Progress has been made in the preparation of […]

Four Polish cities picked; Krakow not on the list After months of waiting and speculation in media from Gazeta Wyborcza to The Guardian, UEFA has finally announced the list of host cities for the 2012 European Championships. At a press conference this morning in Bucharest, UEFA President Michel Platini announced the final choices for host cities for Euro 2012: for Poland, Warsaw, Gdańsk, Wrocław, and Poznań are confirmed. Unfortunately for Krakow, this means the city, along with Chorzów, is now out of the running. Krakow’s mayor took an optimistic tone […]

It’s been over 2 years since Poland and Ukraine were chosen to host the Euro 2012 championships. Politics and officials assure us that everything will be ready on time. – there will be highways, airports, and fast railways and the cities-hosts will be able to prepare well for such prestigious event. On the other hand from time to time there are some critical commentaries about the degree of the preparations. We decided to check how Polish cities are prepared for Euro 2012 We have visited 6 cities – candidates which […]

UEFA decided to organize Euro 2012 in eight cities. Poland and Ukraine applied for expanding the list of host-cities to 10-12. The decision of UEFA can mean that the European Championships will pass over Chorzow and Krakow. – We have reached an agreement with Poland – said the head of Ukrainian football Hryhorij Surkis – Euro will be held in four Polish cities and four Ukrainian ones. The final list of the city-hosts will have been prepared by UEFA by May. Michal Listkiewicz the former head of PZPN (Polish National […]

Zbigniew Boniek met the UEFA president Michel Platini at the game between Roma and Chelsea in the Master League. Both gentlemen had the opportunity to talk about the Polish football, elections in the Polish Football Association and about Euro 2012. It was in connection with the last one that Boniek brings good news for the cities of Krakow and Chorzow back from the meeting. „Michel opened my eyes to certain matters. In Poland no one realizes that, but it is as many as six cities that have equal chances for […]

The tender on purchase of 20 so-called joint gravimetric compositions, which are expected to achieve the speed from 190 to 250 km/h. According to Czesław Warsewicz, the chairman of PKP Intercity, they go on Polish railway tracks at the latest in April 2012, just before European Championships in Football. The railway branch has been waiting for announcement of this contest for months, because the value of order can achieve 400 million euro. It is not a small amount, but according to Intercity, there should not be a problem with financing […]

Experiences of other countries show, that the organization of the Championships, most of all, gives benefits for companies which take part in tourist traffic service, improves an image of given country, and also causes great development of infrastructure. According to preliminary approximations, about half a million foreign supporters should arrive in Poland during Euro 2012. Dynamic development of the hotel base will be necessary to accommodate all guests. Experts predict, that it should be improved by building new 30 000 hotel places. In Warsaw, Gdańsk, Poznań and Wrocław, (so-called basic […]