The assembly of 4-thousand-ton steel roof construction began on Thursday on the construction site of the Wroclaw stadium for Euro 2012. Works will last until March 2011.
As PAP was informed by Magdalena Malara, Wroclaw 2012 company spokeswoman, the first elements of the construction arrived to the capital of Lower Silesia in late September and then assembly started, including trusses, which are key elements of the roof construction and they will be arranged radially around the stadium. Their length is about 75 m.
– Installation of roof trusses is logistically a very difficult operation. Major obstacles include size of the elements and the fact that assembly will be conducted at the height of about 40m – emphasized Krzysztof Dyda, main engineer of Wrocław 2012 company.
The steel construction will weight about 4.2 thousand of tons and will consist of 38 steel pillars and 38 main trusses, as well as about 300 smaller support trusses. However, ready roof of the facility will be partly glazed to increase the level of natural lighting of stadium grass. The total roof area of the Wroclaw stadium will amount to 38 thousand of square metres.
Jens Stark, contract director from Max Boegl company said that the steel construction of the roof will be ready until March 2011 “if there is no any unforeseen extreme weather conditions”.
At present, on the construction site different works are carried out, including multilevel garage and the esplanade leading to the stadium. Reinforced construction of the stadium is already ready in about 80 percent. 22 of more than 130 concrete locks for tribunes need to be prepared. “The last one of them is to stand on October 22” – added Stark. However, the assembly of tribune steps is to be completed until 10 December and then the first stage of the whole construction will be finished.
The Wrocław stadium will accommodate about 42 thousand of spectators. It will be a multifunctional facility, where in addition to football matches, other events like concerts will be organized. Under tribunes where are four separate buildings, where the largest fitness club, casino, disco and conference rooms and offices in Wroclaw will be built.