Mr Piotr Chełkowski, the chairman of the partnership management, carrying out the construction works, presented graphically the initial stage of the National Stadium construction in Warsaw for the European Football Championships in 2012: 330 000 cubic meters of ground and 6500 square meters of crushed concrete was removed. 32 000 square meters of diaphragm walls was made, 16 00 piles with the total length up to 170 km was stuck.
– The winter period was certainly not favorable for any kind of constructional work., and probably this was the most difficult thing to get over ,for example, the removal of ground had to be well-organized otherwise, as a company, we would risk a negative feedback from the citizens of Warsaw. Particularly, taking into account the transport of heavy equipment running all day and night. – said Piotr Chełkowski at the end of the first stage of the construction of the National Stadium.
He added that the construction was already completed a month before the closing date. The construction works began on the 7th of October 2008 and were expected to be closed on the 13th of April. There is no point looking for any negative sensations. Everything proceeded without complications.
Piotr Chełkowski stressed the fact that that the National Centre of Sport did not have any problems with commissioning the initial stage of the construction. The date of signing the final report was the 25 of March . No defects was found, the whole construction works were carried out in accordance with the documentation. The second stage is being prepared.
There is a piece of paper hanging on the entrance gate of the National Stadium’s building site which says : ‘ we don’t engage more people for work’. Many people wanted to work for us The construction of the National Stadium is seen as a prestigious one for every engineer and technician.
The Chairman of the National Centre of Sport informed that the second phase of construction works will be initiated in April. The head contractor will enter on the building site The first stage constitutes 10 per cent of the whole budget., nevertheless , the ground on which the National Stadium will appear has undergone a few changes. It was a very significant step , giving us 100% certainty that the building facility will be located properly.
Rafal Kapler reminded that the second stage will include construction works starting from the moment of laying of foundations until the end of construction works of the building and the, playing first matches. The two steps of the construction of the National Stadium are not divided symmetrically. First, the ground was prepared, which took less than 200 days.