A Project of a special act on Euro-2012 which is being drawn up by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism is almost ready -says the Minister for Sport Elżbieta Jakubiak. But it will not come up on Wednesday for the first after summer holidays debate.
Is the special act on Euro 2012 ready?
Elżbieta Jakubiak: „ I have to take into account that the present parliament may very soon start working, so we carry on intensive work and I hope that tomorrow the project act will be finished. It will not be fully such as I previously expected to be.”
So what is the present project like?
E.J: „Previously I wanted to present the project of two acts. The first one was supposed to be dedicated to set up an institution which would only look after Euro-2012, look after government guarantees to be carried out, to promote Poland. Simply to make good use of these 5 years which are before us. It happens in all Europe that incidental events are supervised by separate body and Poland also needs such separate institution. Due to it we wanted to present so-called organizer on behalf of the Polish government. With this body’s help the government could perform its tasks towards Euro-2012.
The project of the second act was supposed to be dedicated to Euro. According to it stadiums on Euro are expected to be investments of public aim, and this is for what self-governments wait. The matter of the 10th Anniversary Stadium, and also some regulations about various facilitations which are essential to organize this event were supposed to be discussed in this project. But on account of hurry elements of the second project will be added to the first one and in this way the one special act on Euro-2012 will be created. Now these propositions will be presented to the Council of Ministers and I hope that the project comes up for debate not tomorrow, but on the next session.”
What force will have the special act on Euro 2012?
E.J: „ I would not like to arouse expectations that the act will be particularly extraordinary, that it will remove all barriers in the economy. This act is supposed to be the facilitation for those who will be involved in organization of Euro. But one should not expect that this act will make everything less bureaucratic, that I will be acting as a codification commission. It will not happen, the more so because we have to hurry up. I hope that still in this term other acts which can organize Euro will be amended. It is necessary to write an act concerning safety of stadiums. Generally speaking it has to be a constant, cyclical work.”
Will the 10th Anniversary Stadium be pulled down, or will a new object be built next to it?
E.J: „I already have some idea about it. Decisions are not taken so I would not like to say anything publicly, but we are constantly working on it to figure out which options will be easier to carry out. Of course we have to hurry up so together with Prime Minister we will take a decision which will be the most beneficial to this project.
Will we be ready for Euro on time?
E.J: „We will be ready certainly. We are after many meetings concerning stadiums and their locations. I think that I will present a conception of the National Stadium in Warsaw in a few days and till September the fifteenth every one will be absolutely clear about what will be built in the capital.”