President Michel Platini will visit on April 15-16 Poland and Ukraine to meet officials organizing the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship, he said at a press conference on Wednesday at the end of the XXXIII Ordinary UEFA Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark.
As referred to the preparations for the championship, he noted that ‘the situation at the organizational level is not easy for Poland and Ukraine, and it’s not easy for UEFA either. Poland and the Ukraine were a surprise choice to host the tournament and have since been dogged by concerns about their ability to meet their commitments regarding the construction of stadia and the creation of transport and hotel infrastructures.
“Economic outlooks of UEFA remain positive, despite the economic crisis, thanks to inter-club games”
UEFA General Secretary David Taylor said. In 2009/2012 UEFA is planning to increase revenues by 35%, mainly from its main tournament – the Champions League. However, the UEFA President warned that the benefits linked to the organization of UEFA EURO 2012 will probably not be the same as the exceptional (ones) of UEFA EURO 2008. For his part, FIFA President Joseph Blatter, referring to the new rules of doping-control, voiced hopes that ‘players’ private life will be respected, and football will not become the arena for witch-hunt’.